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Ohia Lehua Collection


The Ohia Lehua tree has a bark akin to the paperbark tree, with long strips of loose crust that clings to its sturdy and tenacious main trunk.  The sturdy trunk and the round medallion-like leaves are a delicate ashy gray-green.  Green moss is attached to the moist sides of the trunks and branches that face east.  When the leaves fall to the ground, they dry into the volcanic ash gray of the lava’s long-gone fires.  

The Legend:   There is a legend of the Ohia Lehua tree that will explain how this would be Pele’s favorite. According to myth, Pele was deeply in love with Ohia, a handsome young warrior.  The warrior was torn between Pele and another. Her name was Lehua, a beautiful and enticing girl.  When the Goddess discovered his rejection of Her, Pele flew into a fury and transformed Ohia into a tree, and in this form, he would remain forever.  

However, upon seeing his sadness, and still feeling Her love for him, She did make one concession. She would let him have his beloved Lehua, who would be the delicate flower on the tips of his branches. This would be one of the only trees that would contain two names, the Ohia Lehua, one name for the tree and the other for the blossom


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